Friday, May 10, 2013

Where's Wendy?

Well, nothing like falling off the face of the earth.  Guess with school and work I fell behind and since being laid off from my job of 15 years, I really hadn't felt like doing any of this.  I have started following some blogs and that got me interested in going again.  I'm not sure if my blog will have any more focus than it ever did, but if you are reading and visiting, I thank you. 

Unemployment - you know what really stinks about applying for job after job and hearing nothing? Hearing nothing!! It's hard to know if you are applying for the right jobs, if you are qualified (or overqualified) when no one will call you tell you that they even looked at your resume, let alone that they want to interview you.  I had a little pity party the other day and Tim was good about telling me that it really isn't about me.  I would think that the MBA would help, but so far it hasn't done a darn thing!

Dieting - well, the Paleo experiment lasted through 1 breakfast that was delicious but a pain in the butt and 1 lunch.  By the time dinner rolled around, I was tired of cutting, chopping, cooking and went for easy.  I suppose that if I didn't have all of the stuff in the house that was bad, I wouldn't have those as fall-backs, but I cannot afford to just throw all of that away. I am focusing on eating normal portions, tracking and making sure to get veggies and fruit in every day.

Crafting - Lord knows I have had plenty of time for all of that lately, but haven't touched a thing.  Maybe if I can find a project to catch my interest.

Reading - Started John Sanford's Silken Prey yesterday, so far, it's good, par for the course :) Come find me on Goodreads if you are so inclined (WendyB80).

Hmmmm....well, I guess that's it for now. 

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